Kit de Prensa

10 ago. 2023


Half-year financial report 2023

Henkel publishes its half-year financial report 2023 on August 10, 2023.

The press release, the report and the link to the conference call (in German) are shared in this press kit.


YouTube Thumbnail Henkel reports on half-year performance (Thumbnail)
YouTube Thumbnail Henkel CEO Carsten Knobel's Video Message on the first half year of 2023 (Thumbnail)


Lars Witteck - Head of External Communications - Corporate Communications
Lars Witteck Henkel Head of External Communications Headquarters, Düsseldorf/Germany +49-211-797-2606 Download Business Card Add to My Content
Wulf Klüppelholz - Head of Media Relations - Corporate Communications
Wulf Klüppelholz Henkel Corporate Media Relations Headquarters, Düsseldorf/Germany +49-211-797-1875 Download Business Card Add to My Content
Hanna Philipps - Corporate Media Relations - Corporate Communications
Hanna Philipps Henkel Corporate Media Relations Headquarters, Düsseldorf/Germany +49-211-797-3626 Download Business Card Add to My Content